Explore biology at unprecedented depths with spatial, single cell co-detection of RNA, protein, and morphology. Last year, we launched the AVITI24 platform to directly profile hundreds of thousands to millions of cells in under 24 hours with no library prep and <1 hour of off-instrument time. This year, we’re taking it even further with new supported panels, expanded sample type compatibility, direct in sample sequencing, and customization options so you can do more with the AVITI24.




Expanded Panel Content

Expanded application use with new fixed Teton Immuno-Oncology and Neuroscience panels, including expanded sample type compatibility for cell suspensions and new segmentation algorithms for improved analysis.

Available for pre-order

Protein Customization

Understand the targets that mean the most to your research with custom protein analysis. Includes:

  • 88-plex custom add-on
  • Custom antibody screening kit
  • Fixed add-on panels

H1 2025

48-well configuration

High-throughput molecular profiling in a single run with 48-well configuration.

H1 2025

Direct, in sample sequencing

Discovery and hypothesis driven read-outs in one experiment with direct, in sample sequencing.

  • 3’ Whole transcriptome sequencing
  • Targeted RNA sequencing (100+ cycles)

H2 2025

Take a deep dive into our AVITI24 Innovation Roadmap and hear from early access users in our on-demand webinar.

Decode the complexities of neuroscience and accelerate breakthroughs in immuno-oncology research

With our new Teton neuroscience and immune-oncology panels, you’ll get:

  • Automated, onboard detection of 350 RNA transcripts, 50 proteins (including phospho-proteins), and 6 cell morphology markers with a biologically relevant and supported panel.
  • Simultaneous analysis of cell typing markers, signaling molecules, and important drivers of cell function.
  • Advanced segmentation models for high-quality data for both intracellular and surface markers.

Teton Neuroscience Panel

The comprehensive neuroscience panel includes biologically relevant targets for research into neurodegenerative disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, addiction, psychiatric disorders, and neurological cancers.

Teton neuroscience panel reveals accumulated phosphorylated Tau (S396) in dendrites. View all targets in the panel.

Undifferentiated SH-SY5Y
Differentiated SH-SY5Y


Explore immune responses in the brain and how they may contribute to disease.

Neurotransmission and synaptic function

Identify drivers of neural cell function, neurotransmitter signaling, and synapse formation.

Neurodevelopment and differentiation

Discover gene-regulatory dynamics that control the formation and specialization of neurons.


Understand disease progression, neuronal loss, and protein aggregation with markers for Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

See how Matt Tegtmeyer, Purdue University used the neuroscience panel for high-dimensional phenotyping.

Teton Immuno-Oncology Panel

Advance your immuno-oncology research with the co-detection of immune cell markers, cytokines, signaling molecules, and biologically relevant targets involved in inflammation, innate and adaptive immunity, antiviral defense, and immune checkpoints.

Expanded sample compatibility with cell suspensions, such as Raji B cell lines (left) and PBMCs (right). View all targets in the immuno panel.



Map immune repertoires and identify rare subpopulations of cells.

Immune Response and Signaling

Shed light on the inflammatory response and signaling pathways driving normal and abnormal cell function.

Immune Monitoring

Research the response of immuno-oncology drug targets like checkpoint inhibitors and cell therapies.

Hematology Oncology

Understand clonal hematopoiesis and mechanisms of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma.

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