Rapid insights with affordable sequencing at any scale


Rewrite the future of genomics

AVITI is a benchtop sequencing instrument with reimagined core technology to deliver flexibility and affordability while setting the standard for data quality. An alternative model, AVITI LT, is a lower cost, lower throughput solution that brings innovative next-generation sequencing (NGS) to more labs.

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Flexible throughput

Scale run output to suit virtually any application, without waiting or paying more.

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Unprecedented quality

Leverage exceptional accuracy with ≥ 70% Q50 and ≥ 90% Q40 data (when using Cloudbreak UltraQ).

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Independent flow cells

With a dual flow cell layout and individually addressable lanes, you can perform two parallel runs and operate each side independently.

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Ultimate affordability

Extend your budget with industry-low sequencing costs and fixed reagent prices.

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End-to-end workflows

Enjoy simple, complete workflows from library prep to analysis solutions.

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Dedicated support

Rely on a smooth installation process and scientist-to-scientist converstaions.

Powered by ABC sequencing

We innovated the core components of sequencing to introduce a radically new way of generating genomics data while reducing run costs and improving performance.

  • Avidite base chemistry (ABC) circularizes, copies, and rolls each strand into tightly bound polonies without the use of PCR.
  • Fluorescent avidites bind to each polony creating ultrastable complexes. Low-binding surface chemistry makes the signal prominent for highly-accurate detection.
  • Rolling circle amplification (RCA) avoids index hopping and other PCR-induced errors while ultratight complexes reduce reagent consumption.
  • The inherent flexibility of these methods establishes a strong foundation for continued performance and capability gains.
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Always the right fit

Whether you need 2 billion reads per run or 100 million, one AVITI powers a wide range of experiments. Fully saturate two high-output flow cells to maximize your capacity or load one lane of a single low-output flow cell.

  • No need to batch smaller experiments with precision pricing.
  • Comprehensive sequencing kits run any read length from 2 x 75 to 2 x 300.
  • Low-, medium-, and high-output kit options dial in a precise number of reads while maintaining affordability.
  • Individually addressable lanes confine a library pool to one lane for project separation and maximum multiplexing.
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Seamless Library Compatibility

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Offering the same technology and features as AVITI, AVITI LT provides an ABC sequencing solution to suit your budget. The only difference is throughput: AVITI LT is limited to low- and medium-throughput capabilities with the flexibility to upgrade to a full-throughput AVITI with a simple software update.

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