At Element, we believe in giving you the flexibility and freedom to analyze your data your way. With the AVITI™ Integrated Biology System, you have the power to choose the analysis solution that best fits your needs, whether you prefer a streamlined approach or a fully customized pipeline, ensuring you retain full ownership of your data.
- ElemBio Catalyst: Kickstart your analysis with a preconfigured, automated workflow in ElemBio Cloud. This subscription service includes hosted cloud storage in ElemBio Cloud.
- ElemBio Go: Collaborate with established ElemBio Cloud partners like DNAnexus to create your integrated analysis pipeline.
- ElemBio Custom: Partner with leading cloud providers and analysis services such as Amazon or Seqera to build a tailored solution enabled by ElemBio Cloud.
- ElemBio Local: Offline analysis enabled by Bases2Fastq software running in your local analysis solution.
Discover the analysis solution that leads you to your next sequencing achievement.
ElemBio Cloud Specification Sheet
ElemBio Cloud Data Protection White Paper
Interested in learning more? Talk to an Element Specialist.